Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2012 Audit

On behalf of the officers and in accordance with our by-laws,
We would like a member-volunteer to represent the membership and audit the finances of our club. The findings will be delivered to the President and presented to the entire club in an end of year "state of the club" email.
If several people volunteer, the VP and Secretary will select one person from the pool of volunteers. This individual will work with the Treasurer to complete the review of the account.
Any member interested should contact me using the email address at the right for more information. The deadline to apply is noon on Friday the 26th. If there are no volunteers, I will accept a Treasurer's report as the audit and report that information to the membership.

Thank you,
MBM President 2012


  1. From what I hear the coffers are full. So we went from broke to rich in a year. But I'm sure Brian did a shitty job somehow.

  2. Does this mean you are volunteering?

  3. Yep, it is always the person in charges fault!


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