Monday, October 22, 2012

You decide

Most of you have heard by now that Lance had every win he has to his name revoked. Regardless of the truth I just want to point out that no proof has been presented. Every piece of evidence is hearsay. If the 26 people making the claims have anything to gain by doing so then understand that they instantly lack credibility. I would also like to point out that Lance took 301 drug tests during 7 Tours and passed every one of them. Instead the powers that be chose to read a good book about alleged abuse which puzzles me. This is the same as a jury finding you not guilty and the judge sentencing you anyway. I'm not saying he did or he didn't, I would just like to see with my own eyes irrefutable proof to back the claims. A picture, a video, a failed drug test, any piece of physical proof would settle it. What is unsettling is that there is none.

So, please refer to the very first post on our blog in August of 2006. There you will see the greatest drug test taker in the world riding his bike. He won fair and square because he passed all the tests established to identify illegal doping. So you can take away the wins but how do you take away 301 passed drug tests??? The very least they need to do is demonstrate with certainty how he managed to defy detection over 300 times. Anyone can write 2000 pages of crap, just read the tax code.

I wish Lance well.

Post on my friends. I know many of you may not agree. That's fine.


  1. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Racer passed the tests on race days, should be end of story. Racer's not going to get a second chance to win the race

  2. I read somewhere that they cant re-award the medals because 31 of the 35 podium standers have been directly involved in doping. Anyway, I will choose to remember Lance by his humanitarian work and not some silly bike race in Europe.

  3. Anonymous6:38 AM

    It's Obama's fault. When they covered this during all three debates his position was weak. Blame Obama.

    - mooch

  4. Anonymous7:26 AM

    This ruling just made clear that if you win the tour you are a doper. Since only dopers win the tour, I look forward to seeing who the top three dopers are next year.

  5. They are all dopers! What are the odds of every guy who shows up to race having exactly the same percentage of red blood cells in his blood?
    But nobody ever has more than the allowable limit.

    I say let them all use any performance enhancing drug they want. The racing would be awesome. Can you imagine the Team car pulling up with a hypodermic and blasting a rider full of happy juice before a big climb.

  6. Zee Pirate'8:42 AM

    26 people making up stories..?

    They test for HGH....?

    Was it difficult to dilute your blood.....?

    Lance had the most money and the best program. That Livestrong Jet was an airborne pharmacy.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. What do I see here? Americans are better if we put our minds to it!

    A doped up American beat all the other dopers at the Tour for more years than any other doper.
    A doped up American team kept ahead of the testing curve better than any other doped up team.
    (note that Tyler and Floyd were not on American teams when they got busted in Europe)
    It took an American organization (USADA) do to what the UCI had failed to do for years.
    (the UCI spent more time going after Armstrong than other dopers because he is an American)

    It’s ironic that Johan & Lance ran such a well organized and “successful” team that was sponsored by the badly organized USPS. Maybe they can re-pay the sponsorship money by “cleaning” up the USPS. I bet some of those performance enhancing methods will improve delivery times!

    It’s time for cycling (and other sports) to move on and focus on preventing doping in future events.

    I will continue to support the Livestrong organization because cancer doesn’t care if you are a doper, or an American, or a power hungry anti-doping organization.

  9. I read an article recently where the writer posed the question that cycling was more exciting due to doping with the long breakaways, etc. Of course the writer noted a disclaimer that what he was saying would not be received well.

    On the did he or did he not question - New tests are able to detect things that could not be tested for years ago. My understanding is some samples were re-tested with an indicated result. The volume of testimony and the fact that he was better than the other elite riders from the time who were doping seems to make it pretty clear.

  10. Zee Pirate'1:26 PM

    Here is a great Audio story done by the BBC, it is excellent but also Sad. The sad part - when an expert in the field of testing says that "Testing has hit the wall" and the team doctors, even now in 2012 , know how to beat the tests....

    Peddlers – Cycling's Dirty Truth

  11. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I am fairly new to the sport of cycling/MTB and I have no vested interest in Lance Armstrong or the current doping situation, so personally I am indifferent to the situation, however, after meeting, riding and befriending one of our fellow MTB who channeled energy and strength from Lance during his critical time of need and is currently kicking ass only a few months out of level of respect for Lance is still pretty high regardless of his flaws or lack there of.
    (btw, who am I to judge)

  12. GENETIC ENGINEERING! Blood doping and steroids are so old school. I read a good article on the history of doping in cycling and it concluded with genetic manipulation is a real possibility in the future of pro cycling.

  13. Anonymous2:58 PM

  14. Somebody mentioned to me today that Phelps, the American swimming gold medalist, was photographed smoking pot. Does that count as doping? Could he stand to lose all those golds?

  15. Every time he gets stoned he loses his car keys and his medals.

  16. They had more evidence on OJ and he was found not guilty

  17. They had more evidence on OJ and he was found not guilty

  18. Anonymous12:35 PM

    OJ didn't leave any witnesses.

  19. Zee Pirate'7:48 PM

    Yes. OJ didn't have a dozen witnesses testify under Federal Oathe. This isn't a federal case (yet) but was the same testimony by the same people. USADA has more evidence, they just let out enough for the time-being. This is only going to get deeper and deeper.


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