Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Stump had an idea that I liked so If you don't tell Stump. But be easy on him because he has a hard time keeping friends as we all have seen. This Sunday we will meet at Caledonia at the parking lot as usual. We will ride up secret trail and for the not so timid do raccoon run and a couple trails on top. We will then go back down Secret. Ride time will be 9am.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Good thing he's already paid up through 2009, he may not come back after today, his first trip to Meeshow. A classic "don't re-group at the intersection..." led Steve to take a different way back to the cars than the rest of us. We took Yellow Hill. He took Blue to Quarry Gap Rd. Chris took Milesburn/233 to look for him. All arrived at the lot with no Steve. Cars dispatched, each assigned a different road. I found a group of backpackers at the top of Quarry Gap that said they saw a solo rider with a gash on his leg 10 minutes prior. Said he descended what I just drove up??? I guess Steve got to the bottom of Quarry Gap and went into the campground trails before I turned up.
A snotty, greasy day up there. No more photos after I buggered up my thumb and couldn't work the camera. I went down hard on a 4" log
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Better late then never. Sunday caledonia. Ride at 9am. Hey Stump if you show I bet we will ride with you. I'll even let you take me pic. and tell people you are my friend.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A ride with my friends
I led the pack out of the lot at 5 pm. We headed across 233 and followed the trails behind campus. The weather was perfect and the pace was pretty quick for such a large group.
At the top of Lost Creek we stopped and posed for another group photo in the clearing. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember the names of all my friends (because I have so many) so I have to take pictures of them all like this one below and make notes later.
The rest of the ride was fast-paced so I really couldn't snap any more pictures. We made it back to the parking lot just as the sun was setting.
I know I'm lucky to have so many friends, but if you are interested, there's probably room for one more on my rides.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
WEDNESDAY Night ride, 9/24
Monday, September 22, 2008
Cyclocross in Hagerstown 10/4

photo of a Hagerstown race by cbnystrom.
Post-race massage
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Another Couple Iron Cross VI Volunteer spots!
We have two more spots that really need volunteers--both gates on the deer exclosure fence on Rattlesnake Ridge off of Michaux Road. DCNR is kind enough to open the big gates for our race, but they require us to have someone at the gates at all times to prevent deer from wandering in. Those pesky Al Quaeda (whtever) terrorist deer.
These spots can be driven to if you have a 4x4 and you can bring an EZ-up, camp chair, drinks, a book, music, whatever to pass the time. This position is probably about 3-4 hours of sitting since the pack is so spread out by that point in the race. Heck, bring a friend and play horseshoes.
If we don't have people to staff the gates, we can't have the deer fence open and that will add another nice twist to the race course....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Iron Cross VI Call for Volunteers

Congrats to all who suffered thru the race last Sunday. It was hot and sticky. This may seem cruel but I think we need to ride at Old Forge this Sunday. Meet at 8:45 and ride at 9:00am. The trails should be in great shape since the race went through last Sunday. The one nice thing is we won't be racing each other and it looks to be a nice day.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Congrats Jason
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pump Track Day 1
Things are going great so far.
Check in there if you want updates.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Congrats Racers!
Pump Track Volunteers

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sunday is race day so good luck to all that are racing. I think I learned alot from Charlie F. . I'll be helping rather than racing so I'll see you all somewhere. Just call me water boy. Hey Camp who has the MBM tent thingy? Good luck big guns!!!!

Like the title says SWEET RIDE! Today Trevis, Dale, Dave and I took the day off to go visit The Water Shead. Oh yea it was PERFECT riding weather! That is if you didn't look out the window at work today and notice :) This was my second time on "ICEBURG" and what a trail it is! Just wanted to say GREAT TRAIL to whom ever did the construction! Lots of work moving big rocks! If you haven't gotten down to the Shed to check it out WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Takin' My Drugs
pump track build next week!
If anyone can spare a day or half-day off work Tues, Weds, or Thurs, we'd love to have your help.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Bike Swap!! Start saving OR Clean out your SHIT!

Saturday, October 11, 2008
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Start saving your cash or start packing boxes of parts to SELL!! This will get re posted closer to October 11!!
Multiple Sunday RIDES!!

Ride your sweeeet bike out to this Sundays ride! This Sunday there will be Multiple rides! Chuck is going to ride a Cyclo cross style ride From Caledonia Parking lot. Intersection of Route 30 and 233. Bring your cross bike for a partial Iron Cross Race course preride! The Ride should be 3+ hours. Meeting at 8:45am and rolling at 9ish! If you have to bring your mountain bike you should still have fun!
Second ride will be a Mountain Ride Leaving from the Mont Alto Parking lot along 233 just north of Penn State Mont Alto collage! Same meet at 8:45 and roll around 9ish. This will be a fun ride with lots of ROCKS! Should be 3+ hours too! Any one not doing the cross ride that would lead the Mountain ride if I can't make it??
Sunday Ride?
Monday, September 01, 2008
Mackey Rerun
Paul finally got a day off to ride with us.
Chuck tried every obstacle until he cleaned it, except this one. He gave it a couple tries but just didn't have enough rear tire for the job.
And to top it off we went back to Rob's to party. Rob's place is simply awesome. Pool, hot tub, waterfall, huge patio and perched on a mountain top with an amazing view. If you missed this party you need to kick yourself.
And Rob your playlist was great.
Thanks for having us and I hope to see you back on the trails soon. Jody