Thursday, December 31, 2009
Ride Tomorrow?
I'm going to keep the ride location at Mont Alto again this Sunday due to conditions. Ride Time 9am. There will be man cards handed out for those who show. So far Me and Wit each have one for our showing and riding last Sunday. I didn't know we had so many sissies in our group!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Forest Association
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Today's Picture
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everyone
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Once again I'm going to schedule the ride to be at Mont Alto. The weather doesn't look to good. You may be able to ride the roads if you have studded tires. Be safe. Ride time 9am...
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanuka!!!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ray's MTB Indoor Park is having another Women's Weekend February 19th-21! I went last year with some folks from PMBA (Philly MTB) and had a blast! Let's get an MBM posse together!
Plan is to get a caravan going out on Thursday night and stay until Sunday Morning. Ride Friday and Saturday.
Stay at the Holiday Inn near Ray's that has special discounts for Ray's customers--1/2 price rooms!
Check out the website for details and let me know if you are interested!
**If you're a woman and want to go, you need to RSVP on the Website--do it by Feb 1 and get a really cool t-shirt!!!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Michaux Lectures
In the year 1785 a French nobleman and botanist F. Andre Michaux and his father, also named Andre, sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to North America. For 20 years they traveled far and wide with special emphasis on classifying forest trees and plants. Then in 1817 the son returned to North America and was alarmed at the extensive destruction of trees and forests caused by logging and uncontrolled fires. In 1855, desperate to help stop the devastation, F. Andre Michaux left a legacy of $12,000 to be used to promote the science-based or "silvicultural" management of Pennsylvania forests. In the year 1877 a noted medical doctor and botany professor, Dr. Joseph T. Rothrock, was chosen as the Michaux Lecturer. The purpose of the lectures was to establish an understanding of forestry, especially in Pennsylvania.
From 1877-1894, on nearly every Sunday afternoon in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, Dr. Rothrock eloquently and persistently promoted a new vision for forestry by drawing attention to the grave ecological effects of present practices. On a buckboard wagon pulled by two horses and carrying a camera and lantern slide projector, he traveled far and wide from lecture to lecture. Slides illuminated by an oil-burning lantern showed the flames and smoke of the fires consuming vast acreages of Pennsylvania forests and trees. Other slides showed the devastation caused by harvesting trees without further care for the site, also known as cut out and get out practices. The Michaux Lectures became very popular and led to a grass roots effort to promote sustainable forestry practices on a statewide basis. The Pennsylvania Forestry Association, the only forestry organization in the nation, was established from this populist base of concern in 1886. Rothrock was elected as the Association's first president. One of its goals was to establish a state agency to deal with the widespread forest devastation.
During the 119 years since the beginning of the Michaux Lectures in 1877, the Rothrock supporters have become uncountable. These supporters from 1877 to the present have rehabilitated, conserved, and preserved the forests of Pennsylvania while still putting them to good use and protecting the environment. The Jewel of Pennsylvania book is an accurate, detailed record of the Pennsylvania state forest system.
Today, the rehabilitated and protected forests of Pennsylvania are vital to everyone for pure air, pure water, wholesome recreation, and an adequate supply of wood products.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday daytime ride
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
29er parts
Let me know. It's a good way to make some extra cash before the holiday! Contact me here or thru
Ride report
A few ride highlights:
- 3 hours and over 14 miles on a NIGHT ride in DECEMBER!
- the eerie, thick fog on tower trail
- riding down buckets without a light after my battery died (thanks to clowny and shorts for making a "mooch-wich" so that I could sorta see)
Great ride everyone. Get out today and enjoy the warm weather again cuz it's going away again soon.
Sunday we will try Mont Alto again. Ride time 9am....Plan of ride ......Up shelf, lower coal hearth, sand, little dirt road to colonel wesling to spooge over too swift run climb the wall . Than maybe go down four logs to hearth and down buckets. Any miss spellings or naming oops.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday Night Ride - Mont Alto
For Sale--Crank Bros. Candy Pedals
FOR SALE:2 pairs of brand new in box Crank Brothers Candy SL Mountain Bike Pedals $60/Pair Contact Zach Adams at
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Picture of the Day
I had work in Las Vegas, so I went riding for the day at Bootleg Canyon. At least for me, this place was made famous by Interbike. This is where the manufacturers demo their new bikes each year. The area has sparse vegetation and pretty sandy soil. It rained a bit before we started riding which rendered the trail surface more tacky. The locals said it was the equivalent of a powder day. The terrain rolls. No big climbs, rather a series of small to moderate climbs. It is all built for biking. Lots of whoop de doos and big G-outs. Some of the really twisty descents were a blast. The trail surface in the photograph is typical. There are some short rocky sections. The riding here reminded me of the Book Cliffs area of Fruita, but larger. There are other areas to ride out here including some high elevation alpine trails and a trail network called Red Rocks. I will have something to check out when I return here next year. When you get tired of the rain, snow and cold, you can ride Las Vegas all winter long!
Shame on you all. I hope it was snakeys and not the cold.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
As some of you may have said.....
I will not name names as to protect those less than bright souls who went for a ride today. Well as I hear the story (because of course I would not be one of those less bright souls) a hunter is passed at the very beginning of the ride from Mont Alto genteel wave to hunter and back to bikers. Continue on about 2 miles over a little hill and bam!! Two hunters one gun drawn and pointed at the three riders. The hunter took a moment to put his gun down. Needless to say short ride out on fire roads! And many more hunters passed. Fortunately no more guns drawn on the quick return.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Night Road Riding isn't as good as Night MTB Riding
That said, I much prefer riding the mtb at night.
Details here: Garmin Connect - Activity Details for Untitled
We are doing a DC night ride on Wednesday, December 23rd from Germantown. The plan is to ride into DC, check out the National Mall, the lights, eat dinner, and then ride back. Should be 50 miles and plan on 4 hours tops.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
club cinco
In 2010 we will be adding these 6 members who have already renewed for next year:
Michele Mark
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Will I Live Or Die?
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Rockville Bridge Cyclocross Classic

Don Pagano raced Cat 4 on a SS cross bike and was the first person to ride up the steep and slick run-up! He got a prize for that. Not sure where he finished but the dude is fast!
Joel Moats raced the Cat 2/3/4 Master 45+ men finishing 4th and winning the series!
Aaron Hofelt raced Cat 2/3/4 Master 35+ and finished 5th.
Zach Adams (race promoter) raced Elite Men (Cat 1/2) and finished 2nd.
Trish McMillen lead from the start and won the Cat 1/2/3/4 Womens race in only her 3rd cross race ever. That's her in the picture with a 35 second lead.
Paul Doty provided neutral support for the racers. Thanks Paul!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Upon special request we will be riding at Caledonia. Meet at the parking lot on the corner of 233 and 30. Ride time 9am