Here's to you Mr. Fitzsimmons!

For leading an excellent Grave's Ridge ride today! It was a big MBM ride with several other fun-loving local riders joining in. At the start of the ride we were somewhere near 18 riders! I haven't seen numbers like that in quite awhile. Must have been the warm weather that brought 'em all out (ha!).
I don't know the trails around Pine Grove to give a good "play by play" of the ride, but I can say we rode some great trails today. There was even some residual snow from the little cold snap we've been having. Ride was about 3 1/2 hours long.
Thanks again Dale for leading us all around the woods today and not losing anyone.
Sue - I can't wait to try the new Fox RP23 that Mike is buying you after the "stuck down" incident today :)
Sounds like a great ride - sorry I missed it.
See you soon.
3 of us came down from
State College, road the maximus 25 miler, hit grave ridge, left the lot at 11 ish. we'd like to "join" the mbm and catch some of your do we. thanks.
send an email to me with your contact information (name, address, cell, email). Dues are only $10/year and you will get all the ride emails. We already have some members who live in State College and would love some more.
dariusmark (at) comcast (dot) net
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