Back O' The Pack made a last minute change this evening and rode at Teaberry again. We started out with 5 riders, dropped to 4 when Brian's bike puked its brake fluid on the parking lot with the first squeeze of the brake lever. James, Steve, Bobby and I headed out only to run into a nest of yellow jackets about 20 minutes into the ride. I got stung twice but Bobby caught the brunt of the attack and was stung 10 times or more. It was apparent he was having a bad reaction to the stings so James and Steve high-tailed it back to the cars while I walked Bobby out to the nearest road.
I proclaim August to be "The Month of the Yellow Jacket" Just about every trail we've ridden in the last two weeks has a major yellow jacket hazard somewhere. Be careful out there!
How about some Jeep trail conditioning at Mont Alto?!
My bike went to the shop this morning. They think it may be fixed by ride time tomorrow.
I am definitely looking into a spare bike.
slowride: perfect chance to try a rigid ss! seriously, they're fun
Ok, Mont Alto it is. There are numerous routes there for steady climbing. We could climb shelf and Sand again like we did last week. That is a great workout.
Another good route is on the opposite side of the road going up behind Mont Alto campus. (Your first ride Brad). Another good, steady climb on jeep trail and then fire road.
I am going to try and make it again. Monto Alto is further than Teaberry for me so if I miss everyone maybe I will see you all in the parking lot after the ride.
Mmmm climbing. I knew I was missing something in flatland.
We get good turnouts in MontAlto. Hope to see some new people there. Don't worry about your skills just wait for me at the top like everyone else does and you'll fit right in.
I plan to be there and will try not to get lost like on Sunday.
Climb the cable line trail....that is a good one and not too hard.
Good choice. The cable line will take you to the top. Then do lost creek backwards to bring you back down to the trails behind the campus.
Hey Scott - if you don't know the route that Chief and Shorts are suggesting I can take you on it next week. I'm going to try and make your Tuesday ride next week (if my back is up to it) since I will be out of town Wed-Fri.
Chris, Ok, I'll take you up on your guide services next week. We may ride over there tonight anyway and do a bit of exploring. I've probably ridden lost creek, maybe even many times but don't know it by name.
Shorts - I was going to suggest that climb. Great minds think alike...and so do ours.
Mooch - The tv cable line should be great for your back pain. Do it twice!
Scott - Do you really want Mooch to "lead"? Do you realize how much waiting you'll have to do? It's getting dark earlier now...
Could get interesting tonight. More Tuesday night thunderstorms on the way by the look of it. No extra charge for natural phenomenon on Tuesday night rights. Just another example of how we go the extra mile to please our Back O' The Pack riders. James will be conducting his weekly tire changing clinic at mile 2.
Buck, we don't have to worry about Mooch leading if it gets dark. He has the Mooch Light!
I guess "lead" was a poor choice of words. Should have chosen "navigate".
Yeah dude, yellowjackets are crazy this year. They are even swarming around my house.
Scott - How was the ride back to the parking lot
Ride back to the parking lot was uneventful. Worked on climbing out of the saddle on all the uphill stretches. Looking forward to Thursday's ride. Cross fingers for no mechanicals and no stinging insect attacks!
Yikes - sorry I missed the ride. Maybe I can get out on Sunday. Anyone riding on Saturday?
Kris - I could possibly ride on Saturday in the AM. Maybe 8a?
I'll ride saturday. Early is OK. Name place and time.
I think I'm in for a ride early Saturday. My boys have football games on the weekend now and I'll probably have to start missing Sunday rides as a result.
Graves Ridge Sunday... any B.O.P.ers riding it? I can't make it Saturday.
I'm putting up a Saturday ride post. Kris and Steve and Brian be sure to chime in where you want to ride.
Just remember that any kind of fabric softener will attract bees. So skip it if you use any. Load up on the high octane bugspray too
So, we rode last night (Thurs) and guess what? No one got dropped (except Chris who left early due to old age). No serious injuries, no one got stung (that I'm aware of), and no one had to be carried out!
A good ride.
Well, Sue's knee was pretty messed up. I'd rather have a few stings than that knee. It was a fun ride though and definitely a step up from our recent string of bad mechanicals and injuries.
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