The weather was perfect and so were the trails. They actually use leaf blowers to keep the trails clean! We need to sent those people to Mackey Run. I'm not sure what trails we did but they had a lot of little rollers. ;-) Although the trails are smooth and rock-free somehow two of our MBMers managed to flat. Jess and Lindsay want to try Michaux so I might put together one of my famous beginner Michaux rides on Saturday...
Atta boy - a bucsexy beginner ride. That'll keep 'em coming back (note sarcasm)...
Be careful on Saturday - turkey season and all.
Everybody loves a bucsexy beginner ride!
Here are a few options:
1. Secret/Raccoon Run
2. Dead Womans/3 Mile Trail
3. TV Cable/Heaven or Hell
4. Virginia/Mackey Run
5. The entire Iron Cross course
With Thanksgiving being around the corner I will encourage the beginner riders to dress like turkeys.
Ain't no Turkey season on Saturday. It's the first day of Bear season. Wear all black. Ride hunched over.
I only ever did one bucsexy beginner ride. And watched some poor woman have a bad encounter with a tree. I think half the ride bailed at the first road crossing.
Black it is! Thanks, Brett! :-)
Oh, I remember that ride. I was planning to do that trail on Saturday...seriously.
I consider losing only half the group a huge success. I will be out there Friday with a leaf blower, shovel and a chainsaw. There will be no leaves, rocks or trees within 20 feet of the trails! Who has the MBM paver???
Michaux beginner loops:
EZ South Loop: ride the designated michaux bike trails behind the Caledonia golf course. There's three nested loops that have some climbing and no real obstacles just roots.
Less EZ North Loop: Park on 233 and run ATV trails, bendersville connector, piney ridge to pole steeple and then bomb down the ATV trails on the way back. Its a good ride with a break at the overlook. The ATV trails on the way back are smooth, fast and fun. Climb the road or the connector on the way up.
However you decide to punish them for showing up, post it. I'll sweep if I can make it.
We're riding from PGF at 2pm on Saturday. So far it's Kimsan, Lindsay, Jess and me. We'll go up Bendersville Rd, take "connector" toward Logsled, cross 233, do some Enduro trails and then take "connector" back.
Hope you can make it, Foghat!
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