"I read once where the best mountain bike rides end at the ER. Not sure that’s true, but that’s what happened yesterday. Fortunately Caledonia is close to Chambersburg but unfortunately Roy Pitz is closed on Sunday for an after ride/ER tasting session.
Seriously…. Brad rode out of the woods, from midway on what I believe is Yellow Ridge trail, back to the vehicle, one legged and there was no crying like a baby. ER doctor pulled it out without having to amputate. Brad’s almost as good as new."

Holy shit. My little broken finger is nothing to that. Heal fast.
Wait a minute. Brad rides out of the woods with a tree stuck in his leg while Chief stays home and has someone change the channels for him because his pinky hurts???
Bucsexy, I bet you wish you had a woody like that. OOOOOOOH my finger hurts when I type
Chief, I don't want a woody like that...EVER!
I will never complain about getting a splinter.
good point
Just saw this amazing story!!! I work for abc27 news in Harrisburg and we'd love to talk to Brad about his trip to the ER this weekend. Wondering if someone could get in touch with him for me and have him call me. Cathy Hobbs 236-1444.
Shis-ka-bob anyone ?? Inquiring minds want to know....how did this happen ?? Details pleeze !!
Ahhh, the Chambersburg ER - what fond memories.
we were just riding along and all of a sudden it looked like brad had grown fangs and was eying me up like a big juicy burger. i grabbed the best wooden stake i could find and tried to drive it through his heart. but i missed....low....way low. turns out he just had dirt in his teeth and was bonking. my bad.
actually, we were just riding at speed and he never saw the punji stick till after it was in his leg.
The hell with ABC 27 news in Harrisburg,....he's needs to be a Beer Runner!
Just to set the record straight, Ray is the hero here. Talked me out of pulling the stick out, got me out of the woods, and drove to the ER (and knew where one was). Lucky I had someone with a level head with me (and a camera)....Brad
Yes... the Camera...
Always wish I had a camera for my nasty injuries...
Had a discussion in the woods about such a thing as this...
Some 'Stuntry' was near what was left of a splintered tree stump...
People were discussing,
'Should you pull out wood if impaled?'
Some said, "NO! You could bleed to death..."
One guy said with confidence, "I would pull it out..."
A foxy MTB Chic off to the side said quietly to herself, "Yeah, that is what they all say..."
I couldn't stop laughing for, well, it has been 4 years, now...
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