Hello all! It's that time of year again! Annual meeting is set for Feb. 20th at 1:00pm at the Witter house. Beer and pizza will be available at the meeting. Please let me know if you plan on attending so we can have an idea who is showing up! Directions will be given upon email request! Any questions or concerns please ask! Thanks, Josh
I'm lookin' forward to charts n grafs!
Yeah!! Charts n grafs!
Yea! Something cool showing our completed hours from organized outings to do trail work!
Mr. President,
I will be unable to attend this meeting, but please include the 10 hours a week I ran the paver throughout 2010 in your trail work charts n grafs. Countless numbers of future Michaux rail trail riders will thank me. Also, please enhance the bulge in the front of my lycra shorts when you erect the statue honoring me. I was born this way. There is nothing I can do about it. Please, expound upon my memory. Add girth to my legend and my loins.
Thank you.
Thanks for paving the trails. Now you and all of the little 5 year old girls can ride the trails. Good luck with your statue. Nevada says that you have an "innie".
It's really not surprising to hear that you and Utah sit around and talk about other guys junk.
or in my case, lack thereof said junk...
I plan to attend and will require an entire large pizza(supreme) and a full case of beer(ipa). Thank you.
I will not be attending because i am an angry little man. Howrd you can have my share of the pizza.
aww, come on, clownie, put the hate aside and join in the lovefest that is MBM. we may even sing kumbaya.
But angry little man is so much fun!!
Mooch - don't be jealous of Chuckles and me!
Hoping to make it...
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