Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Pump Track meeting May 8th 7:00 PM (Thurs.)

Second meeting with the Chambersburg Recreation Board to document the chosen location of the pump track in the boro. We need about 8-10 people to come with me to the meeting. You don't need to speak, but you are certainly welcome to. This is mainly to show that someone other than myself is interested in a pump track (someone else is, right??).

note the lack of pedaling

The Rec. Director said it would be great if a majority of us are boro residents or business people. Working in the boro counts too. Also, parents and kids who would like a pump track would be great.

The chosen location is along the rail-trail along Hood Street, a block north of King Street.
I'll be pinging some of you directly for your help. Anyone who'd like to attend, please e-mail me.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Publicity for MBM

Some recent publicity of MBM and some of our member racers.
The Record Herald story by Matt McLaughlin.

The Public Opinion story on the Greenbrier race.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Race Course Pre Ride Again

I am going to ride the 25 mile loop, starting from the Race Start on Sunday, April 27. I will leave the parking lot at 9:00. Come along if interested.

Another Sunday Morning Ride Option for April 27th

Steve will be leading a pre-race 'Maximus' ride at Pine Grove Furnace. Meet at the race start on top of the mountain at 9:00

Friday, April 25, 2008

FSA SLK Carbon Seat Post for Sale!

FOR SALE: FSA SLK Carbon Zero setback Seat Post.

Brand New.
Asking = $55.00

27.2 mm diameter
350 mm long
200 grams

I installed it into the frame but never road on it. I am going to get a shorter 250 mm.

Send me an email if interested.

Marking trails and GPS

A mountain biker from the Philadelphia area passed away yesterday from a heart attack suffered while riding at Wissahickon. The other riders in his group, members of PMBA, are discussing the incident on their message board. One of the topics of discussion is the frustration at getting emergency help to the location. I'd like to propose that we endeavor to have a working cell phone and GPS unit on any of our group sanctioned rides. This might also be a good time to discuss marking trails with signage to help direct emergency personnel if the need ever arises.

Posting on the blog!!

Anyone that wants to be able to post on the MBM blog send Bucky or myself an email and we will send you the sign up information from blogger.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hey gang;
You all look pretty for the photo shot. I'd like to be there but I have yogo to loosen these old bones. I'm back skinny to do the rides so this Sunday will be at Caledoina. I was going to do the race at greenbriar but I don't think I can now.



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Photo Op

Matt (the reporter from the Record Herald) will be at the start of the Thursday evening ride to shoot some photos for his article. Try to arrive a little earlier than usual, and comb your hair, tuck in your shirts, and brush your chainrings.

Thanks to all the folks that helped with this article!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sunday Morning April 20th Ride

Mont Alto 9:00 AM

Saturday Morning Pannera Bread Road Ride. 4-19-08

Saturday Morning Pannera Bread Road Ride. 4-19-08

Ride LEAVES at 0900 from Pannera Bread on Walker Road in Chambersburg.
It’s in the new shopping plaza with Red Robin, Circuit City, etc…take the Walker Road exit off of Route 81.
We will do 4 Mountain Climbs in the order of Big Flat, Timmons , Fannetsburg and Upper Strasburg.
Bring plenty of nourishment to get in a good training ride.

Approx 4-5 hours. Approx 79.71 mi. and 5428.88 ft. of climbing.

Joel Moats

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ride Wednesday

Dale and I will be meeting at big flat at 1pm on Wed for a ride. We're planning on trying to hit 3 mile trail (which i have yet to ride) and maybe throw in a few other rare rides that we find. Anyone interested is welcome, anyone knowledgable about the trails around that area is really welcome . . .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sunday April 13th Ride

An attempt will be made to ride the Maximus 'Sport' loop. Those of you who have ridden these pre race rides know what I mean by 'attempt'..... It's always a blast! 9:00 at at the parking lot on top of the mountain off Bendersville Road.

Ride tonight? 4/10

Hey everyone, this is Paul wondering if there will be a ride this evening. I plan to be up at the lot in Mont Alto around 5. No idea how long I'd like to stay out, but I'm always up for an adventure.
Hey Skinnylegs
Welcome to the site. It took me a couple years to learn to post on this thing. Who says old dogs can't be taught new tricks. Not saying you are an old dog!! I'm going to need your help for a little while longer on posting rides. It is no use for me to post the rides if I can't be there. After May I should be back on track. The only time I have to ride is through the weekdays and that is when I can find the time. This retirement thing is great but I have to much going on. Thanks for your help. We can still kick there young butts in the woods. (sometimes)

Free Race at Greenbrier

If you volunteer on the Saturday before, or on race day, you can race for free. Greenbrier site
They also need help for trail maintenance this Sunday, 13th.

With this and the Raystown work, we have lots of opportunities for laboring. And in our own house, we still want to get Spooge re-opened. Trevis & Dale made some initial progress on flagging that yesterday. Thanks guys.

contact me for the Greenbrier work

Monday, April 07, 2008

IMBA Raystown Day


In case you ever wanted to learn from the best:

There is a IMBA/LHORBA trail building volunteer day at Raystown Lake Saturday, April
12 at 9:30 am meeting at the Susquehannock Gate in the Seven Points Area. Take Seven Points Road off of Rt 26 then turn left onto Baker Hollow Road. The entrance to Susquehannock Camp Ground is a mile or so down the road on the right.
We will mainly be trail finishing and possibly some corridor clearing.
Please bring chainsaws in case we do clearing.
We will have food on site so please get back to me by Wednesday, April 9 if you can make it on April 12 so we have enough to feed everyone.

Raystown is an easy drive from Franklin County and this is a good way to learn where some quality singletrack is hidden in our own backyard.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Hey Chief.... I just figured out this blog thang....

Great ride today... with a fast finish back to the parking lot, where we tried on jerseys from the fit kit! The kit will still be available for approx 2 weeks.

Chris; I think I can handle this from now on...

Friday, April 04, 2008

2008 MBM Jersey Fit Kit Available!

The fit kit for 2008 club jerseys is now available for a VERY limited time. Sue Witter has the kit and will bring it to this Sunday's ride at Caledonia and again on Thursday's ride at Mont Alto. If you can't make the rides and want to get fitted, contact Sue directly for your options!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Logo search

Does anyone in the club have a vector image or high resolution raster image of the club logo? The little image to the right is too grainy to use for the artwork on the new jersey.


MBM Sunday Ride, 4/6

Caledonia. Meet in the parking lot at the intersection of 30 and 233. Ride group leaves at 9am. See you there!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

MASS team relay

The MASS team relay event is this upcoming Sunday morning. If anyone is interested in joining me for a 4 person team that is out to have fun and doesn't mind that I'm terribly slow, send me an email at

New land for Michaux

This story made quite a bit of news this week.
As soon as $12.5 million is raised, we might be able to get a new trail there.

"At the request of local, regional and state partners, the Fund provided critical “bridge” financing for the $12.5 million purchase, and has agreed to hold the property until other public and private funding can be raised to transfer the land to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania for public stewardship. The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ (DCNR) Bureau of Forestry will manage and patrol the site during the Fund’s interim ownership; however, the property must remain closed to the public until it is transferred."

The area is somewhere in the above:
Does anyone have any ideas how MBM can be involved??