Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ride Like A Girl

Local Trek/VW Pro and Michaux legend Cheryl Sornson and Julie Whitehair from RLAG have put together two intermediate clinic rides in August.

Ride Name: Terror of Teaberry Prep
Sponsored by: Trek VW East Coast, Gettysburg Bicycle
Ride Leader: Cheryl Sornson
Location: Teaberry Parking Lot
Date/Time: 8/9 and 8/23, 10:00 am
Ride Level/Pace: intermediate
Description: beginner loop of race course and work on other technical sections. Bring food and water.

On the MORE Forum

endorsement: I have ridden a lot with both of these ladies, and I know that they are helpful, talented, and very friendly. You will have fun and probably learn some new bikey things.


Chief said...

This sounds like fun. I've been told that I ride like a girl. And I bet they can show me a thing or three.

Mrs. Outlaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Are there any other rides of the Teaberry 10 miler in the works? I'd like to ride the course, but I'm not a girl so this one is out.

pabiker said...

Dude are you freaking kidding me? Cheryl can show just about anyone something. Suck it up and head out for a ride.

Unknown said...

I'm sure she can probably ride the course twice to my once. I thought the ride was females only. If that is not the case, I'm definitely in.

Mrs. Outlaw said...

Sorry Gabby - these rides are for women only. Thanks for understanding!

gwadzilla said...

very cool!