Saturday, January 31, 2009


Sandie, Stumpy, Clown, Mrs Clown and I wend down to Leesburg this morning to do the Snotcycle race. Conditions were cold, windy, icy, snowy, muddy and slick. At registration Stumpy noticed a rider signed up as CrashedAgain. It was nice to see that Crashed had seen the light and skipped his solo ride at the Shed. We also ran into David Kegly who raced SS. Clown rode a 3 speed in the Sport Geezer class along with Crashed. I used a 32-20 on my Rig in the SS class. Stumpy was humpin along in Sport Male(?) on his Specialized and Sandie had her Fisher 29er in Chick Beginner.

Sandie finally got her first win! Oh, it was her first mtb race too. Not too shabby for our soon to be MBM member. Crashed had a good race and came in 30th. The Clown must have picked the right 3 gears to use because he was 11th! He probably would have won but he was too busy checking out deer tracks during the race. Stumpy hammered the course to finish 27th in a large class. I felt great and was able to keep my HR up. I cramped/faded on the last lap and Kegley passed me to finish one spot ahead in 13th.

Everyone had a great time! What a fun course. Wish the rest of you could have been there. I'll post pictures when I get them.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Gambril/Shed Saturday AM

I am riding at 9:30. If anyone is interested, reply back or call 3015807781. You probably need studs.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Westminster Bike Swap

The bike swap in Westminster is coming up on Sunday, Feb. 8th. I have a bunch of parts accumulating in my garage that I would like to sell. Is anyone interested in splitting the $40 cost of a table?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well it looks like the weather will be shitty for awhile. I couldn't think of a better word. So the ride this Sunday will be at Mont Alto. Ride time 9am. Skiing has been great for Pa. Just thought I would let you know. But I guess if you were an indoor spinner it wouldn't matter if the weather was shitty! I hope it isn't to cold for you little indoor spinners. Hey no more black........good.

Last Night's Snow Ride

It was short, it was dark, it was snowing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So.... studs.... I realized the other day, that half the studs fell out of my Innova tires after our Sunday ride on the 18th. It was the first time I had used them. Hey Jody.... how did the rivets hold up?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sunday will be at Old Forge. Ride time 9am. Looks like things are going to warm up a little, Maybe.

Thursday night ride at Mont Alto 5pm

Like the subject says Thursday night ride at Mont Alto at 5pm. Clownbike, Stumphumper and Bucsexy will be there. We'd like to be riding at 5pm so we can try a little riding in the daylight for a change.

If you can't ride till later please let me know or post on the blog and we'll start later. I have a spare light so first come first served. Email me or post on the blog if you're riding.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Great Ride!

It sure was fun riding with you guys today. I was so nervous and excited this morning I forgot to put bike shorts on under my tights! THAT will never happen again! It's great to be back... and thanks again for waiting for me.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Trail conditions

Has anyone been out today? Will we want studded tires tomorrow?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Hey All
Boy all this talk about inside riding, Big screens, Tracking your vitals, All this super wom bat stuff. I like Bretts 27" TV and beer fridge would make me feel at home. Buck and I did it the old way. We rode at Caledonia Wed. to check conditions in the woods and found very icy conditions on the roads but the trails weren't to bad. The power line was nothing but dangerous. There is no use to change ride locations because everywhere will be the same. So I'm going to keep the ride at Caledonia. If we ride we will just have to be careful. I don't think studs will do much good. So it is up to you. Of course I hope all the real studs show up to ride (Stump, Bucksexy ) I'm sure I missed a lot more. Have fun inside riding but I think I will get fat and ride outside when I can.

Speaking of Spinning...

We are going to start spinning Tuesday nights in our basement f0r the NorChaux crowd. We don't have fancy wattage machines or a big screen, but we do have trash-talking and a beer fridge right behind the bikes. We also have a 27" TV, DVD and stereo receiver for training vids, movies and tunes. So, bring a vid or movie if you'd like and show up. Start time is 6:00 because we don't have namby-pamby gummint jobs, but feel free to show up earlier or later and start when you want. I'm guessing we have room for at least 7-8 bikes.

Wednesday night rides will still be outside if at all practical, but if the weather is really crappy, could be another indoor night.

Road biking is evil, but it has its benefits.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indoor spinning Thursday night

Since it's too cold to ride outside...

Thursday 1/15 at Mike Albert's warehouse (Historic Preservation Services - 252 East King Street) next to the Public Opinion. Open from 5 to 7, but come and go as you please. The new power trainer will again be available. We are going to start tracking the top and average watts (and maybe speeds) for the different courses. Who's the top power rider around? Hmmm....

Bring a movie or training dvd and we’ll watch it on the big screen. There’s an extra trainer or two so email ( first if you want to borrow one.


Hey All
Well it is cold as a witches boob. Trying to put it nicely. Of course I never had a witches boob but you know what I mean. I haven't been in the woods since the ice storm but from what I've seen on the site it must be Icy. This Sunday will be at Caledonia ride time 9am. I will get up there and do a walk or ride and let you all know what the conditions are. See ya and stay warm.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Mark your calendars.... the annual club meeting will be Sunday February 22nd. I have offered up my place once again for the event. Probably around 1:00 or so... after the ride. Last year the club bought pizza and beer. I don't think there will be any objections to doing the same this year. Annual dues will remain the same. I will email directions to the member list as we get closer to the date.

Shed Iced

Went to the Shed for a ride. It is iced just like Mont Alto. Time to break out the studs.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monday/Tuesday night ride

Anybody want to ride Monday and/or Tuesday nights? Think the trails will be good enough to ride? The rest of the week is going to be too cold for this Nancy.


"The parking lot is icy, but the trails will be fine"

famous last words


Here's the group atop sand road, right before our slip 'n' slide esque descent to Staley rd.

Very adventurous ride, everyone crashed, everyone froze, everyone had fun.
Because of the ice.... Chris, Jody, Dona and I are going to ride at noon today. Please join us! Chuck... hope you can make it.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Sunday will be Skinny's coming out ride. There will be no run ups or run downs. Easy pace or what ever she wants. Probably will want to hammer. I heard she wore out the bikes at the Y. Sunday Mont Alto 9am Ride Time.

Monday, January 05, 2009


I heard this Sunday maybe your coming out ride on a real bike. Where would you like to ride??? (Fat tires are real)

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Saturday fire road ride

Posting this for Cathy Large "and in charge". Riding from Caledonia from 1:00-3:00. You can ride 'cross or mountain bike. This will be a low key ride but will have some climbing. This is perfect for those coming off a break and wanting to get back in the saddle. Sounds like a good ride for Shinny!

Friday 9:30am ride at Mont Alto

The ride leaves at 9:30am sharp!!! We'll ride the school side and then cross back over to do the Narrows and Wayne's. It'll be a good workout for those on a SS.