Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indoor spinning Thursday night

Since it's too cold to ride outside...

Thursday 1/15 at Mike Albert's warehouse (Historic Preservation Services - 252 East King Street) next to the Public Opinion. Open from 5 to 7, but come and go as you please. The new power trainer will again be available. We are going to start tracking the top and average watts (and maybe speeds) for the different courses. Who's the top power rider around? Hmmm....

Bring a movie or training dvd and we’ll watch it on the big screen. There’s an extra trainer or two so email ( first if you want to borrow one.


CrashedAgain said...

Real men and women do it in the woods! They don't need no stinkin trainer.

Anonymous said...

So you'll be there then Steve. ;-)

bucsexy said...

Good one, Stumpy!

CrashedAgain said...

It is my experience that cold only matters when you go downhill. It is also my experience that most of the rides led by Chief go primarily up hill. If you want to ride comfortably in the winter, follow Chief.

I have also found that Skinny is the only person (other than myself) who is sufficiently dedicated to ride in single digit temperatures.

bucsexy said...

Sufficiently dedicated? That's not the phrase that I would have chosen. ;-)

We had a good group show up for the spin last night including Jody and Shinny. Dan Knepper set a new best time for the power test. Actually, he set records for everything except max power and amde it look effortless. Great job Dan. Anybody have a number for Tanya Harding?