Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Snot shots

From my friend SE Pant's gallery.


brett said...

My, doesn't SS Chuck look tuff!

Mr. Sunshine said...

Hey Seeber, our pictures must have been blurred by our speed.

SS Chuck didn't look as tuff as 1st place Sandie did.

bucsexy said...

A SS will make anyone look tough. Although that rule will soon be tested. How 'bout it Stumpy?

Sorry guys...They took pictures of only the attractive people. Chris happened to cut off someone and thus his picture was taken.

Sandie looks intense and much tougher than me in this pic.

brett said...

She also looks like she's wearing a borrowed jacket. She's swimming in that thing! Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize, honey!

Anonymous said...

Yes, we will see if a SS can even make ME look tough over the next couple weeks...

Mr. Sunshine said...

Stumpy look what it did for me!

SaSaSandie said...

Yep - borrowed jacket fo' shiz! My Cycleworks kit isn't in yet. My lap times would have been more competitive with Chuck if it weren't for that damn jacket and all the wind resistance. LOL!

SaSaSandie said...

Chuck you look BA (bad ass) in that pic. And Stumpy...dude....did ya have on enough layers? LOL!

bucsexy said...

Thanks! I usually look FA (fat ass) in pics. ChimpHumper wears laters to bulk up for the ladies. The dude(?) is like 6'+ and 110lbs!

Anonymous said...

What can I say, the ladies get excited when they get to peel off the layers. 110 pounds of 'Grade A top choice' or 200 pounds of ground CHUCK. HA!

bucsexy said...

Haha! Two words: Big Log!

Anonymous said...