Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bucsadist looses his ride leader status

Chucks new Gary Fisher 29er. That's odd? Powder blue just like Trish's.

Chuck then led us to a series of relentlessly rocky 4 wheeler trails that have zero flow, and no fun factor. The last time Chuck had ridden these trails was before the invention of the 4 wheeler

This was an out and back ride so we got to ride the same poorly chosen B/S trails twice.
This is when the ride got good. The ride leader couldn't stay in the lead so Sally and Trish blasted right past him and a crucial right turn to get them back to the car. We thought that they might have taken the wrong turn and hatched a half assed search plan that took me and Mooch back to the parking lot and Chuck down to 233.

The search didn't work. When we got to the lot, nobody was there. The girl's were lost. We knew where Chuck would be so we drove down and met him hoping that he found them. No such luck. No girls. Just Chuck. It was now almost dark. After 2 trips in the VW we all got back to the parking lot and were coming to the conclusion that we would be heading out into the woods in the dark, with no moon and no lights, looking for the LOST GIRLS.

And then out of the darkness they rolled. What a relief. They found thier way out after realizing the wrong turn and back tracking.

The lost girls.


bucsexy said...

Well, uh, at least the ride won't be forgotten any time soon. My rides are all about the memories. And it's easier to have a conversation when you're walking your bike through the woods.

camps said...


I'll go out on a limb and predict a sharp increase of new female members after Trish and Sally's friends hear these memorable tales.

bucsexy said...

My lawyers are asking me to repost my disclaimer:

Fine print: The 80/20 rule will be in effect at every stop. I hope you know your way around Michaux in the dark. ;-)

They would have been out of the woods in a couple minutes had they been wearing the new MBM Michaux map t-shirts!

shorts said...

Well, if if matters, I liked the trails and I think Sally did too. I didn't enjoy being lost, but I think I learned to stop and wait when apporoaching an intersection. Why you so harsh clown; you make it seem as if you were the lost one. I do think I could have found the way faster if I had the new map on my shirt!

Josh aka Maverick Mohawk said...

Map t-shirts are a great idea. Now if only I could read!

brett said...

The map t-shirts should be edible, too, so if you're still lost, you can at least eat the shirt to stave off starvation a little while longer...

Mr. Sunshine said...

The arm pits would be tasty.

Anonymous said...

Even after this little "adventure" both Trish and Sally showed up for the Sunday morning ride!