Because it's going to rule. That's why. Come on out for the weekend. You could even call the trails, "beginner friendly!"
If you plan to camp and spend the whole weekend, go HERE to reg. Put your club affiliation in the Team category if you feel like being slotted somewhere near other MBMers. Or make up your own group, like, "Buc's Beginners" or something.
If you want to RSVP for lunch on Saturday, go HERE to RSVP. You need to do this if you want to be counted for lunch, even if you already registered to camp at the BikeReg link above. If you're just coming out for a day trip and want lunch, you need to do this but you can skip the BikeReg link. Got that? Good, there will be a test later.
HERE's a link to the campground map where they're putting all us rowdy mountain bikers.
New trails are good.
BTW--I saw this trail description on MTBR--"It's like Tsali on mescalin." Sounds like a hoot.
I was already signed up for the event but thanks for the heads up on the lunch count.
Sure hope 'momma' let's me out for at least a day of riding being Mother's Day weekend and all. Maybe a Friday camp/Saturday ride can be negotiated... :)
I haven't signed up yet but I'm planning on it. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get off work, and I'm dying to get out and camp.
Who else has registered under the group name "mbm"?
Go to bikereg and you can see all who signed up in the "confirmed riders" area for the event. Pretty good number of people signed up from lots of clubs right now.
Yep, check the "confirmed riders"--there's 4 of us so far signed up as "Mountain Bikers of Michaux".
MBM was part of this project from day one - HO, Larry, and I all chipped in.
Make sure you hit Boxer's in Huntingdon - you will be amazed.
I registered under MBM....I think.
Nope--you're under some bike shop racing team or something. I was just looking over there this morning.
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