I was out on the road bike yesterday and was climbing up from old forge when a brush truck went by, it wasn't long until I could see and smell the smoke coming from near the top of the mountain. Not sure if it effected any of our trails or not?
"Ain't these woods beautiful? I love drivin' around here.""Yep, let's burn 'em down with our own stupidity."
I was up there that whole evening and saw everything but the actual fire. all I know is that is was down below the fire tower below the gas lines.
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I was out on the road bike yesterday and was climbing up from old forge when a brush truck went by, it wasn't long until I could see and smell the smoke coming from near the top of the mountain. Not sure if it effected any of our trails or not?
"Ain't these woods beautiful? I love drivin' around here."
"Yep, let's burn 'em down with our own stupidity."
I was up there that whole evening and saw everything but the actual fire. all I know is that is was down below the fire tower below the gas lines.
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