Sunday, January 01, 2012

ANOTHER New Years Day ride

For those of us that couldn't drag our sorry arses out of bed early enough to start at 9 due to the liquour and whores...

ANOTHER ride was enjoyed a wee bit later in Norchaux. Funny thing is we rode some of the same trails as the earlier ride (and now I know why I saw so many fresh bike tire tracks!) - but added in a bit of Seven and the rockalicous 'happy hour' to our loop.

Got rained on a bit right at the end of the ride, but enjoyed hot chowder, cold beer and summer sausage under a stand of hemlocks anyway afterwards.

Couldn't ask for a better January 1st in Michaux! Unless you're a skier....


camps said...

had to throw that in didn't ya,
good ride, and a good ski at Blue Knob yesterday

Bird Man said...

No pictures??