Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Thursday Evening ride?

 Is there one? Last week nobody from the club (ride leader) showed up but no cancellation was posted. SO what is the protocol? They are posted as weekly rides. Will there be a cancellation posted if nobody is coming? What if some new guy shows up and we Bucsexy him? Who are the"OFFICIAL" ride leaders? Why change the venue if nobody is going to be there? So many questions! Tubes or Tubeless? Water bottles or Camelback? IPA or Pale Ale.......AHHHHHHH!!!!!



Unknown said...

Be careful, riding on Thursday nights can give you gout. Or maybe that's bacon and beer.

Mr. Sunshine said...

I that case maybe I'll do the TORC ride. They just give you pyromania.

Unknown said...

Reading is good! I'd suggest starting with the "Thursday Night Ride 3/27/14" post that went up 30 minutes prior to your post. It just MIGHT be relevant.

Mr. Sunshine said...

It took me 30 minutes to write and edit my post.
I would have asked the question on the NEW Forum but I hear questions are screened prior to posting.

Donut King 2012, 2013, 2014