Monday, October 06, 2008

night rides

Hunting season is upon us. So thurs. rides will start at 6pm. Lights are a must. If you ride during the day be sure to wear bright cloths as if we don't already but you should have lots of orange. They will shot you gut you and drag you out of the woods hang you head on the wall and tell storys how they shot you. I'm a hunter so I know. I'll just take your bike!


Anonymous said...

Hey chief - I hear the best huntin' spot is back 'ere or maybe over 'ere...

Chief said...

It's back ere ner the creek

Josh said...

Overheard while riding:

"Where's that trail go?"
"Over 'ere."

Chief said...

See you educated city boys still havn't gotten it yet. Yer still usen correct punctuation on them there words

Anonymous said...

And you spelled 'punctuation' right Chief. You're more citified than you done thunk...

Chief said...

Spell check. Rednecks best friend

Chief said...

Oh yea.It took me a long time to know what abc and a check mark was at the top of our e-mail. beside i married an educated white woman.