Friday, February 20, 2009

Latest Clown Bike

I finally got a picture of my Clown Bike. Even after riding it I still consider it a clown bike. My only regret is getting in too late and not getting a good Clown name. all the good ones have already been taken.......Bozo....Clara Bell.........Crusty.


camps said...

Very nice bike,
Love the grips!

Mr. Sunshine said...

And a rigid fork... that's a sweet bike.

T said...

Thanks. What is the point of SS if not old school rigid!!!

drw said...

Nope. no clown name for you. you're still 'the crevice.' unless you want to be 'crevice the clown' but that's kind of creepy for the kids.
it is a nice bike . . .

Chief said...

I like that name!!! Crevice the clown. The kids won't mind,I think they will understand

Buck said...

I second crevice the clown! Your welcome T!

T said...

This coming from Crusty and Clara Bell!