Monday, May 04, 2009


Does anyone know if it is safe to eat the mud in Michaux?

I guess we will find out


brett said...

Wow, I had no idea I was that filthy.

Anonymous said...

Just spent an hour cleaning two pairs of shoes, some gloves, socks and a camelbak. They aren't entirely clean either, this mud is tenacious

The Wiser Weiser said...

As i type, i am listening to all of our clothes from yesterday and both of our hydration packs and their clips swirl around in the washer! YUK! It was worth it, though!;)

CrashedAgain said...

Better wash em again. One cycle through was not enough.

brett said...

Two wasn't, either.

Chief said...

I hosed mine and hung them on the line and let the rain do it's job. Next is another hosen and maybe the washer. The bike got a hosen and now a tear down. But it was worth it.

shorts said...

I think I will be finding maximus mud until the next maximus!!!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully not in your shorts, shorts.

Anonymous said...

I just tore apart my friend Phil's Cobia. The shifters had mud inside of them. Another good reason to go ss.

brett said...

SS was definitely the weapon of choice. Replaced the brake pads, lubed the chain, done. Next ride?