Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tuesday Back O' The Pack

I won't be able to ride this Tuesday unless a work obligation gets cancelled but here is your ride post so you can get the ride organized. Check comments for more info.


prophet said...

I got to meet Joel Peters this past week while delivering him his club jersey's at Roy Pitz brewery in Chambersburg. (Clever rendezvous point Joel, thanks). Joel might join us for a Tuesday ride soon. He has created many of the trails in the Teaberry area and can definitely show us some new routes so look out for him and give him a hearty "Back O' The Pack" welcome if he shows.


Slowride said...

I suggest we meet at the brewery and say we rode Teaberry if anyone asks.

rob said...

I wouldn't mind riding the teaberry loop again and if everyone feels good add a few miles. Save Slowrides idea for a cold crappy day.

Nevada said...

I second the Teaberry loop with a few extra miles. I'll bring beer for after the ride. Not quite the same as being at the brewery.

Slowride said...

See you at Teaberry.

T said...

Watch out for that Peters guy!! He is slippery and likes to sandbag. Then he puts it into the big ring and pounds you!

Anonymous said...

WOW...seems "T" has some previous experience with SLKRBRO. The operative word being "previous". I've been living in the "low country" of SC for the past few years where a typical elevation gain for a ride is less than your height. In any event, I look forward to meeting everyone next Tuesday!!! I'll bring a Growler!

T said...

Still on the Rocky Mountain?
You were never back of the pack so go ahead and show up for the Thursday and Sunday rides!

T said...
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Unknown said...

Fun ride the other night guys! Thanks for the beers Steve.