Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A ride with my friends

So I rode with all my friends again tonight. There was barely enough room in the parking lot for everyone. It's a good thing alot of my friends don't drive because we would have had to park cars along 233 and that wouldn't have made the state troopers very happy.

I led the pack out of the lot at 5 pm. We headed across 233 and followed the trails behind campus. The weather was perfect and the pace was pretty quick for such a large group.

At the top of Lost Creek we stopped and posed for another group photo in the clearing. Sometimes it's hard for me to remember the names of all my friends (because I have so many) so I have to take pictures of them all like this one below and make notes later.

The rest of the ride was fast-paced so I really couldn't snap any more pictures. We made it back to the parking lot just as the sun was setting.

I know I'm lucky to have so many friends, but if you are interested, there's probably room for one more on my rides.


Chief said...

Hey Stump
Don't feel to bad last Thurs. I had one more friend then you had. But I forgot my camera.

brett said...

If you're willing to night ride, we do a wednesday night ride every week from our house in Northern Michaux at 6:00 and we usually have at least one loaner light up for grabs... It sucks when no one shows up for a ride. Sorry it happened to you.

camps said...

Pretty funny, and nice photos,
I bet I know where some of your friends were. You should try it some evening.

Anonymous said...

Hey brett - I rode with you all about 2 weeks ago and was the lucky recipient of the loaner light. That was my first experience with night riding and I will definitely be back.

brett said...

cool--didn't know what your blogger handle was. any week is good. just let me know if you plan to show and want the light!

bucsexy said...

Cool! I see that we have a lot of the same friends.


Anonymous said...

Thought it was crowded last thurs. Brought 1 friend and saw another rider at Teaberry lot.